The Carbon Literacy Project is a celebrated, multi-award winning, globally unique climate change project founded in Manchester. Carbon Literacy offers a flexible framework for a days’ worth of highly relevant climate change learning, and with large-scale take-up across the UK and Europe, over 70,000 learners have now been certified as Carbon Literate.
Carbon Literacy learning and certification covers the essentials of climate change, carbon footprints, how an individual can ‘do their bit’, and why it is relevant from an individual to an organisational level.
Over the past 3 years, The Carbon Literacy Project has been working more closely with a wide range of public and private sectors to create off-the-shelf Carbon Literacy Toolkits for organisations within the sector to pick up and use to train their people. The latest of these Toolkits is the Carbon Literacy Sports Kit, which was made available to sports organisations in April 2023.